Sunday, February 14, 2010

Damn Target! That's Kinky

Okay, so it's Valentine's Day.  I picked up on this because of the numerous KY commercials and the overabundance of red and pink candy that has shown up in my candy dish at the office.  

But seeing as how I am single, and even if I wasn't not a fan of V-Day, I didn't have any plans.  Well, I did.  My mom, Gram and I headed out to enjoy some Chinese food because today is also Chinese New Year (Go Tigers!)

On my way back from lunch I decided to swing by Target to pick up some stuff I needed, in addition to some stuff I didn't need.  (Come on, have you ever left a Target without picking up some extras?)

So I did my shopping, only picking up a few items which of course, I couldn't live without.  I hit up Register #1 threw my items and had the following conversation:

Checker:  Good evening and Happy Valentine's Day to you.

TOS:  Thanks, same to you.

Checker: Is everything out of your basket? (Note: I didn't have a basket OR shopping cart.)

TOS: Um, yep.

Checker:  Looks like your getting ready to celebrate Valentine's Day.

Now, this comment would have been appropriate had my shopping list consisted of condoms, boxed wine, a heart shaped box of chocolates, Iron Man Valentines, and some trashy underwear.

But I was purchasing the following:
- Thank You Notes with polka dots on them
- 3 inch mesh strainer
- Post It Notes
- Moonlight: The Complete Series on DVD
- Tinactin (Don't judge me)

What kind of kinky ass evening was the chick from Target thinking I was about to have?

Please, I would love all of your thoughts on this one.

~ The Office Scribe

1 comment:

  1. You should have winked and said, "I take it you've already got your 3" Valentine Strainer - things is gonna get crazy tonight"! - Clownfish
